SMPES, LLC offers a wide range of mechanical and metallurgical services for a wide range of industries.Clients range from chemical, petrochemical and refineries to medical, commercial and entrepreneurial.Services are provided on both the national and global levels. Select one of the following four general categories for a more detailed explanation of our services. If your need does not fit into one of these categories, contact us to discuss if our services will meet your needs.
Do you have a brand new project or design concept, or simply a redesign of something existing? SMPES, LLC provides concept to fabrication services to formulate the design and will work with fabricators during the construction phase to help make that ...
Start From ScratchIn many cases, you may want to extend the life of a piece of equipment by making a strategic repair. SMPES, LLC has helped clients with this by creating and assisting these repairs. Some of our repair designs have been able to greatly extend the life...
Get The Repair StartedOften, but not necessarily overlapping with Repair Work Designs, equipment damaged in-service or even prior to service, can be deemed out-of-tolerance to governing design and/or inspection Codes. The most common Fitness-for-Service Code is ASME/API F...
Extend The Life HereWhether stand-alone or in combination with repair or FFS work, SMPES, LLC provides material testing and failure analysis. SMPES, LLC goes an extra step in its failure analyses. We will dig deep into equipment history, operational data, recent changes...
What Went Wrong?